When I Remember Your Name

When I remember your name I remember everything that goes with it

The scruff on your chin

The brightness of your eyes

-Almost manic with a joke you haven’t told me-

I remember the crookedness of your teeth 

and the softness of your expression

When you hug me and say the most comforting things

When I remember your name there’s a soundtrack in my head

I am thinking of silly songs you introduced me to

And old old music that we both adored

I am thinking of the Santa Clause day when we talke and laughed

But I got tired and went home early

When I hear your name I think of the way 

your hands were always bigger and stronger than mine

How there were no end to things you knew that I was clueless about

How we disagreed and that never made you mean or rude to me

How we met up for lunch

And then dinner

And then sat outside the restaurant until the staff went home

About how you promised me you’d teach me to defend myself 

When I hear your name I think of the people you quoted

I think of the dumb jokes I told you

-Which you were either silly or generous enough to laugh at –

And the times that I was worried we might not meet up again

I think of how we met again after those times

I think of the day you woke me early, 

So I’d get to say goodbye before you left for a long time

I think today that is the clearest memory I have

I have happy thoughts

Sad thoughts

Angry, good, every thoughts

And I love them all right now

Just hearing your name

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